A survey map is a drawing prepared by a licensed land surveyor registered in the State of New York, which depicts the mathematical and physical features of a parcel of land with relation to map lines, deeds of record, and/or other pertinent reference data based upon an actual field survey. (Code of Practice for Land Surveys, N.Y.S.A.P.L.S.) According to New York State law, only surveys made by licensed and registered New York Land Surveyors are legal. Only registered Land Surveyors have completed the academic requirements and practical training before licensing. Only registered Land Surveyors are required to maintain the necessary theoretical, practical and ethical standards set by legislation. (New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors)
There are many factors which influence the fee for a new Survey. Survey fees are based on the work scope, anticipated difficulty and estimated time needed to complete the project. In order to provide an accurate fee, please provide a description of your needs, the property address, your name, phone number, and email address. We will research your property and provide you with the best price possible and schedule for completion.
As with everything you purchase you need to know exactly what you are buying. A Survey, prepared by a New York State licensed land surveyor, will show in detail exactly what you have purchased. Since for most people the purchase of a home is the single largest investment they will ever make every effort should be made to protect that investment. The Survey will confirm that the property shown by the Real Estate agent and described in the contract is in fact the property that was conveyed.
Also, the bank or mortgage company, in order to protect their interest in the property may require a new Survey.
Although your real estate agent, attorney or mortgage broker will advise you as to the cost of the survey; they may not be a New York State Licensed Land Surveyor and therefore are not qualified to prepare the Survey or estimate the cost. After all you would not go to your local butcher to get an estimate of the cost of a new car.
Besides helping you visualize exactly what the property looks like and contains, your Survey gives you a type of protection. In addition to highlighting any encroachments, the Survey will help to identify any other irregularities that may result in legal disputes sometime in the future. The surveyor assumes full professional responsibility for the accuracy of the Survey and therefore may serve as an expert witness in court. The new Survey enhances your Title Insurance Policy.